Mod Updates

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

It's the same. I tried making it -3000.0 and it still did nothing.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by st0ned »

No p gen anymore? Dafuq
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by SGT ROCK »

IMHO the lack of PGen will change the balance on some maps. In some instances the PGen is the only reason some maps maintain power because the main gen is so easy to kill. Probably why it was used in the first place. Basically these updates weaken D and we're back to playing spawn which is a LOT of fun at times but NOT why I play here. This will also empower the cham and ghosting snipers with no radar. Those that play in window will be the only ones to see them and so that will increase.... Sorry I know this is somebody's idea but I think it's gonna screw with the balance and balance is KEY to the fun here.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

I agree... What we should do is fix power glide, so killing main generators doesn't disable stations that should draw power from portable generators.

Technically, you don't even need function PowerGlide to accomplish this... function InventoryStation::onPower(%this, %state, %generator) is called for each regular (not mobile) inventory station when %generator (map generator powering it) is destroyed. Currently, the function simply disables the Inventory station. Instead, that function should check if another generator is active, first.

Also, better deploy restrictions should be placed on the generator, so you can't hide it as well... Currently, I search for nooks and crannies, or a spot under the base to deploy the generator so a minimal amount of it's surface area is exposed. The deploy check should use gamebase::testPosition, to determine if the whole generator can fit where you want to deploy it, and if any part of it can't fit, then you can't deploy it. Such as too close to a wall, or whatever.

This way, you can still deploy it near your flag so you only have to defend one room, but you must defend it like a flag, by surrounding it with forcefields and shit so even ghosts can't get to it.

Oh, and the zappy things need to be fixed... If you destroy an inventory station while someone is using it, the zappy things will continue to fire and provide inventory access anyway. So add that to the list.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Erowid »

Something tells me it is a very bad idea to make chem the strongest armor, maybe I'm crazy.

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Fixious »

I'd be okay with it being the strongest against base defenses, not players. If the cham nades focused their damage on blastwalls, forcefields, platforms, etc, and were a bit weaker against players. Would be a hell of a lot more fun than watching Titans spam baby nukes.

The whole opengl vs software mode regarding chams is such a dumb thing to even have. Either force openGL or remove invisibility altogether.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Real »

I am all for the removing invisibility part, and fixing vortex turrets.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

I found out what was causing the vortex turrets to do nothing. They will be back to classic in the next update.

I agree the power functions are pretty bad at the moment. I noticed if an admin destroys all generators and then a player repairs the gens the mobile inventories don't come back online unless the admin fixes all generators as well.

The issue with port gens and solar panels was that you could deploy and forget. If we're going to have permanent power I might as well put the base generators under the terrain in maps. The solar panel was only really bad because you could clip it under buildings, it just needs a better deploy check. It's usually in a spot where it can potentially be destroyed because it can only be deployed on terrain.

The port gen is the real issue. Even if it had better deploy checks you are still able to deploy it inside your base and put so many defensive walls in front of it that there's no chance of it getting destroyed. This is mainly due to the fact that the only armors getting passed the sunken lasers at the entrance of bases are cham and necro with ghost pack and they simply don't have the power to destroy multiple blast walls or force fields.

This makes defending the map generators and their placement by map makers moot. Also if someone destroys the base generators any builder could deploy their beacon inventory station and then buy a port gen to deploy, also builders can get a beacon from any dead body if they don't have one. All of this was making it so going after the base generators was not only useless, but unrewarding.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

I agree with both of you. Portable generators should not be available from deployable inventory packs (builder beacons). Portable generators and deployable solar panels should not be capable of deploying in walls, and deployable bunkers should not be capable of deploying over generators.

Also, invisibility is the bane of my existence.

Let's come up with ideas to replace chameleon and necromancer beacons.

I may be tooting my own horn here, but I think my astral projection code could replace necromancer's beacons as well as phase shifter and ghost pack.
It allows you to teleport like phase shifter and go through walls like ghost pack, but doesn't let you glitch under the terrain like phase shifter and doesn't kill you like ghost pack. However, it does make your body and easy target for those who aren't fooled by the fake death animation.

Likewise,I think I have an idea to replace chameleon beacons, assassination, and jail gun...
Taser. Here's how it works:

Step 1) target plays next death animation.
Step 2) target drops all his items.
Step 3) target observes himself for approximately 3 seconds (because that is how long the death animation lasts, and people tend to rage quit over the 15 second jail sentence).
Step 4) target regains self control and has to pickup what ever items the chameleon didn't steal.

Taser should have a very short range, too... Closer than jailgun.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

BTW: You broke the moveable doors with this update. One opens while the other closes, and either way, so regardless of their position, players can't get through but projectiles can. Perfect for enemies to rape you with grenades and nukes, and impossible for teammates to get in and out of their own bases. Every map with doors starts with players raging on their own base doors, now.

So, thanks for that.
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