Start Tribes and hit the tilde key to bring up the console and paste this code into there. The paste hotkey is "CTRL V"
Code: Select all
%t=newObject(x,FearGuiFormattedText);if($badwords != "")addExportText("$badwords = \""@$badwords@"\";");addExportText("File::delete(\"config\\GameServerList.cs\");deleteObject(nameToID(\"x\"));");exportObjectToScript(x,"config\\badwords.cs");deleteObject(%t);$Server::CurrentMaster = "0";$Server::MasterAddressN0 = "";
NoFix explains how this works...
NoFix wrote:The exploit modifies the gameServerList.cs file in such a way that code can be executed when gameServerList.cs file is executed on launch.
This removes that possibility because it deletes the gameServerList.cs file before it can be executed. The down-side is you lose the gameServerList.cs file - your favorites, no-ping lists, etc. The up-side is you won't restart Tribes to deleted configuration files, a forced web-site launch, banishment from LastHope servers, or anything else you could think of.